Il teatro delle donne all’Odin
Il festival e gli incontri a Holstebro, 15-25 January 2004
Si terrà nel prossimo gennaio a Holstebro in quarto incontro internazionale sul teatro delle donne. Qui di seguito le info essenziali.
IV Women’s International Theatre
Festival and Meeting
Holstebro, Denmark 15-25 January 2004
Roots are usually imagined sinking into the ground and going backwards in time. Roots in Transit IV would like to propose a different image: active, germinating, sprouting roots that point outwards, forwards and upwards. Many young women search for a technical base and a professional identity among people whose social behaviour and habits are different, and in places where their mother tongue is not spoken. Theatre allows those of us who belong to a community of uprooted individuals to chose the mould where new and different roots will grow. Even women who strongly identify with their culture and ancestors rediscover the wisdom passed on from a living past.
The image of a network is made up of crossing lines and empty spaces. The experience of the women meeting within The Magdalena Project tells us that important information is contained in the spaces opened by the intersecting lines. Roots in Transit will give particular attention to geographical diversity, and to the simultaneous presence of women working in theatre, music and dance. The programme consists of two parts: the first with practical workshops, demonstrations and performances; and the second with vocal and physical training (Cultivating), workshop demonstrations (Sowing), presentations (Origins), videos, lectures, discussions, concerts and performances. (Julia Varley)
Workshops, meetings and performances with
Gilly Adams, Wales – Hasna el Becharia, Algeria – Margarita Borja, Spain – Luisa Calcumil, Argentina – Ileana Citaristi, India – Claudia Contin, Italy – Gilla Cremer, Germany – Brigitte Kaquet, Festival Voix de Femmes, Belgium – Jill Greenhalgh, The Magdalena Project, Wales – Geddy Aniksdal, Grenland Friteater, Norway – Deborah Hunt, Puerto Rico – Magdalena Segunda Generación, Argentina – Magdalena Aotearoa, New Zealand – Magdalena Australia, Australia -La Musica Theatre, Egypt – Nomad Teatro, Spain – Maria Ficara, Teatro Proskenion, Italy – Odin Teatret, Denmark – Raysa Fatima Taba’marante, Morocco – Teatret Om, Denmark – Topeng Shakti, Bali – Uhan Shii Theatre Group, Taiwan – Voix Polyphoniques, France – Anna Yen, Australia – Yuyachkani, Peru – Carran Waterfield, Great Britain
Participation fees
For participation in two workshops (or in the production process) and in the whole festival including all meetings and performances, food and lodging (4 persons per room), daily transportation between the lodging quarters and Odin Teatret, from the 15th to the 25th of January 2004, DKK 7000. For a Festival Card giving admittance only to performances from the 20th to the 25th of January 2004, DKK 900.
Applications should be sent to: TRANSIT, Odin Teatret, Box 1283, 7500 Holstebro, Denmark, or by email to: by October 1st 2003, naming the priority choice of workshops.
Please enclose a short curriculum vitae with your address, telephone, email/fax. A total of fifty participants will be accepted. For further information on Roots in Transit see the web site and
TELEPHONE 97 42 47 77 (9-15)
TELEFAX 97 41 04 82
Tag: Odin Teatret (24), pari opportunità (17), VarleyJulia (9)
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